2019 Boys Ranch Senior Feature: Kadan

Thanks to our kind friends, Kadan says his seven years at Boys Ranch has taught him good work ethic and how to better himself at every turn.

Kadan especially thanks Mr. and Mrs. Gross, house parents at Jefferies Home, and Scotty Wright, teacher and Future Farmers of America sponsor at Boys Ranch High School, for holding him to his highest potential.

This fall, Kadan begins classes at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas, where he plans to study agriculture. Though he is uncertain where his studies will eventually lead, he one day hopes to give back to Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch in the future.

“This place will make you all you want to be,” Kadan said, encouraging younger residents to always try their hardest and take advantage of all the opportunities available to them at Boys Ranch.

As our young people embark on their futures, we hope you’ll give today to help Kadan, and all the boys and girls in our care. The annual cost of attending WTAMU is $10,015. Your support provides young people at Boys Ranch with opportunities to forever change their lives as they learn vital life-skills, focus on their education, start trade school and begin careers.

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