Time at Boys Ranch Brings Future Career Experience for Andrew

Time at Boys Ranch Brings Future Career Experience for Andrew

Andrew, 2024 senior at Boys Ranch High School, reflects on his time at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch and how it became a pivotal chapter in his life.

Hailing from Arizona, Andrew is involved in various programs and activities at Boys Ranch. From football and the National Honor Society (NHS) to Future Farmers of America (FFA) and Rodeo, his days are full of activity.

However, through it all his passion for working with animals has always made its way to the forefront.

Andrew shared his experience with his first hunting trip, explaining that, “It helps everybody realize that it’s not all about your status.”

When hunting in the great outdoors, everyone is equal, irrespective of their background or popularity and it builds camaraderie between students who may not interact with each other in regular social settings. But Andrew’s interactions go further than the hunting grounds.

“I enjoy working with animals; it’s kind of what I plan to do,” Andrew said.

Since coming to Boys Ranch, Andrew has ventured into the world of livestock shows and sheep showing and has already secured the title of reserve champion for his breed.

Of the animals he works with, though, horses are where his passion seems to shine.

“I came here and one of the first things I asked was. ‘Is there a horsemanship program out here?’” he said.

Not only does Andrew participate in the annual Boys Ranch rodeo in various events and categories, but he also helps with the chapel’s prayer rides by watching the line or leading the ride out to its destination.

“[Prayer rides] are a chance to reflect on myself. It’s more of a peaceful situation,” Andrew said.

“Most trail rides are usually kind of hectic, but with that one, it’s so well organized. It’s different in a way that makes it more peaceful.”

Andrew had the honor of bringing the riderless horse out to the arena during the 2023 Annual Boys Ranch Rodeo. This tradition is a time to recognize those associated with Boys Ranch who have passed away in the last year.

While Andrew already had a relationship with God before arriving at Boys Ranch, he claims that staying involved in prayer rides has helped him work on his spiritual journey and personal growth outside of academics.

Andrew’s passion for horses is not just a fleeting interest; it’s a glimpse into his future.

Boys Ranch has been a steppingstone to a future career with horses. “I’ll be going to a farrier school after high school to get my farrier certificate,” he said.

“[It’s] something I got interested in after I got here.” Andrew’s future is a bright one, and he has already secured a position for himself at a ranch in his home state of Arizona, where his mustang, Bucky, is waiting for him.

“I’m excited and nervous at the same time,” Andrew said when he discussed stepping into the “real world” after graduation. However, he attests that Boys Ranch, with its unique blend of activities and lessons has helped guide him and his fellow classmates in finding a sense of purpose and direction.

“[Boys Ranch] helps them find their footing, I would say,” he said.

Andrew expressed gratitude to the donors who support Boys Ranch, acknowledging their role in shaping the organization.

“Thank you for making Boys Ranch what it is,” he said.

To any new students coming to Boys Ranch, Andrew’s word of advice is simple yet profound: “Go with the flow,” to get the most out of the experience.

As Andrew prepares to step into independent living, Boys Ranch will always serve as his foundation that has helped shape not only his vocational pursuits but also his character and perspective on life.

Andrew is poised for a future with his passion for animals, and the lessons he’s learned at Boys Ranch will guide his path as he starts the next chapter in his story.

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