Callie Finds Faith through Programs at Boys Ranch

Callie Finds Faith through Programs at Boys Ranch

While coming to Boys Ranch provided Callie a sense of security, it also allowed her to flourish and find her fearless and faithful spirit. Callie, an 18-year-old and 2024 graduate of Boys Ranch High School, has been at Boys Ranch for three years and said it has helped her learn and establish values and gain life skills.

When Callie first came to Boys Ranch, she embraced a variety of activities, such as cheerleading, basketball and even football, playing wide receiver. However, it was the equine program that Callie found to have the most impact on her.

“When I first got here, I didn’t know a whole lot about horses. All I knew is that they were really pretty. When I first got here it was too late for me to do rodeo,” Callie said. “I did it the next year and did well. This year I was on of one our most elite horses, Buddha.”

“I had to learn to understand him. I had to know what felt good for him and how he was going to react to certain things like how to respect his space. I also talked to him because he can feel my emotions, and I can tell him if I’m having a bad day.”

That connection between Callie and her horse has also extended to her understanding for people.

“Humans are a lot more difficult because they talk back to you. If I’m doing something Buddha doesn’t like, he’s going to let me know. Humans aren’t always like that,” Callie said. “You have to learn when the time and the place is right to talk to a person. There is a lot of self-awareness that goes along with that.”

Callie credits her mentors, Mike and Margaret Lowe, with how the equine program has benefited her in a multitude of ways. They are the director of equine, riding and rodeo programs and operations assistant for equine, respectively.

“I love my mentors, Mr. and Mrs. Lowe. They’re a big part of my life, and they’ve been a big part of my growing. They are real nice people,” Callie said. “They point me in a good direction.”


Callie has had the opportunity to learn about God and develop her faith while at Boys Ranch. She has been a Sunday School teacher and participated in the annual Christmas Cantata.
Callie has had the opportunity to learn about God and develop her faith while at Boys Ranch. She has been a Sunday School teacher and participated in the annual Christmas Cantata.

By participating in the equine Experiential Learning Program, Callie gained first-hand experience with the work and responsibilities associated with working with animals. While the work isn’t often seen by the general public, Callie takes pride in knowing that she plays a part in keeping Boys Ranch looking nice and working efficiently. She has gained much more than a strong work ethic at Boys Ranch. She has also found her faith and was baptized earlier in the year. She enjoys being involved in Chapel activities, such as the Christmas Cantata.

“When I first got here, I wasn’t too close to God. I had always grown up around God, but never made my own connections with God. As I started being here more often my house parents and the people around me started talking to me about God. Then I started reading my Bible a lot. I started praying a whole lot,” Callie said.

“God was becoming a bigger part of my life, and I really wanted to show people that He had become a big part of my life. I plan on continuing my journey with God and continue to grow in Him. I think that it’s really going to help me learn how to forgive people a lot easier and give grace and mercy to people.”

Callie said she is grateful for Boys Ranch for giving her a safe and nurturing environment to live, which she knows would not be possible without donors.

“Thank you because if we didn’t have our donors, then there would be no kids here. There would be no safe environment for us to come to,” she said. “I know a lot of kids out here, including myself, who needed a safe place, and this is a safe place for a lot of people.”

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