Sarah: Learning Patience and Compassion
Out beyond the stands at the rodeo arena, a teenager rides a horse in a circle as she prepares for the goat tying event at the rodeo. Inside the arena, more than 1,000 people are cheering ...
Personal Growth for Alina
Alina Lives Like Other Girls Her Age Throughout the 2021 summer, Alina climbed on top of a horse. She was determined to learn how to compete in barrels and poles for the Boys Ranch Rodeo, and ...
Just Add Houseparents
A Loving Couple Changed the Course of Stacy’s Life Stacy had already been in two different shelters by the time she turned 14. She had been asked to leave public school and was attending an alternative ...
Trevor: Growing for Change
Trevor Concentrates on Making the World Better Trevor stares intently at a computer monitor, then taps his keyboard and adjusts the Python code on the black screen. His fast hands can barely keep up with his ...
Fish Tacos for Change
Time spent fishing and cooking gives houseparents the opportunity to ‘do life’ with the kids. When the young fishermen of Hamilton Home pull fish out of one of the lakes at Boys Ranch, houseparent Adam Kinnon ...
Hannah is Learning Regulation for Better Relationships
Hannah is a precise thinker. Numbers are fun for her, and math is her favorite class. She enjoys riding, not to mention petting goats and playing with dogs. In fact, Hannah likes just about everything at ...