By Richard Nedelkoff
Boys Ranch President and CEO
Time really flies! It is hard to believe, but I am approaching my first-year anniversary as President and CEO of Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch.
As I watch the first signs of spring unfold in Amarillo, I see the beautiful white blossoms from the Bradford Pear trees and plants slowly coming back to life. Spring is a wonderful time of year filled with new growth, rebirth and the transformation of things dormant and dead to things vibrant and blossoming.
But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a good crop. Luke 8:15.
The Bible is full of parables and verses regarding “sowing seeds” of love and righteousness that will blossom into beautiful things later in life. This is what we are doing every day at Boys Ranch with the youth entrusted to our care. We provide them with the proper nutrients to grow, be productive and to be healthy in mind and body.
Here, the nutrients come in the form of our Christian fellowship, our education, our mentoring, our coaching, our counseling and our love.

Changes Come With Spring
With the arrival of spring, graduation is upon us, and we are constantly reminded that our work in sowing the seeds in the lives of our youth can pay huge dividends long after they leave Boys Ranch.
We have many talented and gifted graduates moving on from our care to experience futures filled with endless opportunities. Through our alumni service programs, we will continue to watch after these young men and women and assist them in their transition to become productive citizens in their communities.
There are other exciting things happening at Boys Ranch right now. We plan to break ground any day now to begin construction of a new FFA barn for the youth at Boys Ranch.
The National FFA Organization continues to help the next generation rise up and help its members develop their unique talents and explore their interests in a broad range of agricultural career pathways. FFA’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
We are so thankful and blessed that, through the generosity of our donors, we received the funds to embark upon this new state-of-the art FFA barn project this year.
I look forward to sharing our achievements, plans and goals for the future as we continue to improve the lives of the children we care for at Boys Ranch.
Thank you for your generous support!