
Cheerleading camp preps spirit crew for new school year

“Oh yes! I finally got it!” yelled out an excited Annmarie, 15, gliding across the mats in the wrestling room at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. She reached up and received a high-five from fellow cheerleader and ...

Vacation Bible School full of lessons on faith and fun

Children at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch consistently get the best things needed for healthy spiritual development. A special example of this for our preadolescent age residents is the annual Vacation Bible School offered each summer. In ...

Pop! goes the Sciencepalooza show at Boys Ranch

Children of every age at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch have had a wide array of activities to participate in all summer long. Some are educational activities, and others are just for fun. This week, staff from ...

Caseworker makes masks to help keep residents safe

Caseworkers play a vital role in the lives of the children they serve at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. Making sure their children are successful, happy and safe is always a priority. Caseworker Vanessa Detten has made ...

Old fort in the woods gets a Boys Ranch update

For so many young boys growing up in a high-tech world, the idea of building a ‘fort’ in the woods is something they’ll never even think of, let alone do. Luckily for the boys living in ...

Annual Cardboard Boat Races draw record number of entries

The 13th Annual Cardboard Boat Races held at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch was hugely successful! More boats than ever before attempted to cross the width of Waldrip Pond. Some made it. Some did not. “This was ...

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each day is a new day to change his future.

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