Third annual Boys Ranch Fire and Mimi Farley dodge ball game a big win for all

Recently, the sounds of laughter and tennis shoes screeching filled Scotts Gym at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch as the young boys and girls of Mimi Farley Elementary took on the Boys Ranch Fire Department in their third annual game of dodge ball! In fact, Boys Ranch Fire played two head-to-head games!

The first game was against the kindergarten through second graders and the second against the third through fifth graders. While the first game ended in a draw, the second game commenced with our youngsters beating our hard-working firefighters!

Boys Ranch Fire dressed in full gear to even the playing field, while also using the experience as a vital teaching moment to help our youth learn about first responders and what to do in an emergency.

No matter the outcome, though, the smiles of all our boys and girls made the experience a very apparent win for all!

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