Staff Spotlight

Chief Program Officer Receives National Honor

Catherine Hershey Administrator of the Year Having been at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch since 2007, Michelle Maikoetter, chief program officer, was given one of the highest honors for those working in residential childcare. At the 2023 ...
Michelle Maikoetter stands in front of the Boys Ranch entrance gate.

Three Share Childcare Expertise

Maikoetter Is Keynote Speaker. Sprock and Wright lead breakout sessions at 2022 CORE conference. BOYS RANCH, Texas – Boys Ranch staff members continue to be in demand as expert speakers on residential childcare topics. Three staff ...

The Long-Term Plan of Adrian Jackson

A Happy Providence A job only intended to last one year has lasted 24 years and counting for Adrian Jackson and his wife, Telita, who began their journey at Boys Ranch in 1997. “We actually got ...
Staff and Youth Riding Horses

Staff Spotlight: Mike Lowe

MIKE LOWE, DIRECTOR OF EQUINE RIDING & RODEO PROGRAMMING, began his time at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch as a house parent. “To me, working with the kids — it wasn’t really a job. It was more ...

Staff Spotlight: Randy Neill

Title: Homelife Manager, also serves as Boys Ranch Photography Club sponsor How long employed at Boys Ranch: 29 years Other positions you’ve held here: My wife and I originally served as houseparents for seven years. I’ve ...

Staff Spotlight: Ray Martinez

Title: Director of worship/youth chaplain Age: 40 How long have you been at Boys Ranch: 16 years Other positions you’ve held here: My wife and I started in 2003 as houseparents. We houseparented for three-and-a-half years ...

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