Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Staff Spotlight: Randy Neill

Title: Homelife Manager, also serves as Boys Ranch Photography Club sponsor How long employed at Boys Ranch: 29 years Other positions you’ve held here: My wife and I originally served as houseparents for seven years. I’ve ...

Devon: Ready for his future

Devon grateful for his Boys Ranch adventure As several of his peers milled around the rocket on the table, Devon, 18, intently listened as his mentor and rocket club coach Barre Wheatley reminded him what the ...

Joshua: Opportunities help uncover solutions

Joshua finds a fresh start at Boys Ranch. “I’m learning things that I’ve never known about or how to do!” said Joshua, 16, describing his ongoing adventure at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. “I’ve learned about soil ...
Teenage Girl at Boys Ranch

Grace uses her gifts to bless others

In a flowing white dress, Grace moved across the dark chapel stage lit by beautiful hues of purple and blue light. With her beautiful dance moves, some reminiscent of her childhood in the Democratic Republic of ...

Expanding adventure opportunities at Boys Ranch

Adventure is a key to success at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. We know every child needs adventure in his or her life. The leaders of this therapeutic organization know that only through opportunities to explore new ...

Aletha: God’s work in progress

When Aletha went to an eighth-grade girls retreat with her classmates at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, she was most amazed to learn how her peers view her. During an exercise where the girls wrote their thoughts ...

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