Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Chase: Discovering his strengths

Chase grins as he holds open the big glass door to the Simpson Dining Hall at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. A stream of hungry people strolls through. Some are his classmates, others are staff and teachers, ...

Robin is giving back

Longtime resident hopes to share message of hope across the globe With a bright, earnest demeanor and an outgoing personality, Robin seems destined to be in front of a camera.  But Robin has other things in ...

A barn raising for a great cause

It was a brisk January morning and Morgan, 15, needed to bathe his lamb for the first stock show of the season. The sun was shining down as he propped his 85-pound sheep up on the ...

Employee training ensures great care, better outcomes for youth

Providing loving care to children who need help turning tragedy into triumph is the primary focus at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch.  Helping a child’s heart cope with wounds caused by the absence or abuse of others ...

What’s over the horizon?

So, what’s next? As Boys Ranch begins its 81st year, and with such a history of commitment, knowledge and innovation, what lies around the next bend for us? As an industry, the trends point toward a ...

Experiential Learning Program — Learning In & Outside the Classroom

The role of education is to equip a learner with the intelligence, skills and knowledge necessary to bring positive changes to their existence. At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, we help our young people obtain the kind ...

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