Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Project-based learning helps Boys Ranch students thrive in the classroom

It’s important for young people to have a good understanding of American history. Yet in a time of Google® convenience and short attention spans, teachers are challenged to find better ways to deliver information to their ...

Gift wrapping a tradition of love

Pretty paper and a perfectly placed bow make even the smallest gift seem even more special. The birth of Jesus Christ is a huge celebration for our children and our community. From the beautifully directed and ...

Stephen: Effort equals success

Houseparents help Stephen find new focus A move from the big city to a small rural town was an adjustment for Stephen, just entering his high school years. His family home-schooled yet made sure he and ...

Jonathan: A journey of unexpected joy

Jonathan learns what was missing in his life As a small child, Jonathan was either moving around the country with his mother or staying in a foster home. Christmas, he said, was just another day. “I ...

Tom: Boys Ranch continues to pay off

As Tom reflects on his time at Boys Ranch, he believes he received gifts that have continued to give. But, Tom is not talking about gifts wrapped in pretty paper. He’s referring to life lessons he’s ...

Dustin: A growing faith promises a better future

Dustin is learning to venture out of his comfort zone As one of the tallest boys in Jefferies Home, Dustin, 16, will likely put the star on top of the tree this Christmas. It will be ...

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