Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Traditions: Threads that unite a chosen family

A child’s simple question began a favorite Christmas tradition for one Boys Ranch home. “Mommy, aren’t you going to invite the big girls to hear the story?” Sandy Pape, a longtime houseparent, had decided to read ...

What’s your favorite Christmas memory?

Looking back over a lifetime of Christmases, I’d imagine the times that stayed with you the most aren’t Christmases spent alone. Your favorite Christmases probably involved spending time with loved ones in joyous activities like laughing ...

Brain Science: Meeting children’s basic needs

You’re doing more than you think! New parents nervous to care for a small baby often fret about whether they will know how to do what is right. Ironically, a little human doesn’t know what to ...

Sunflowers remind Romersi home residents of special donor

It was 1991 when Marjorie Cole Romersi, agreed to fund a new home at Boys Ranch with the stipulation it must be for girls. This philanthropist probably already knew she wanted to give even more girls ...

Staff Spotlight: Chloe Hewitt

Title: Campus Life Supervisor Age: 30 How long employed at Cal Farley’s: 5 years Qualifications & experience: Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice. I previously worked as a forensic interviewer, so I worked on crisis intervention with ...

Rodney: Turning loss into a life of leadership

Mentorship makes lifelong impact on alumnus The year was 1977. Rodney had just finished third grade when his dad, age 36, died. Suddenly, life became very hard. “It was the 70’s. My mom was now working, ...

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