Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Training is the key

Providing loving care to children who need help turning personal tragedy into triumph is the Boys Ranch mantra. Helping a child’s heart — often deeply scarred by the absence of or abuse by others — to ...

Challenges common for adopted children

Children who are adopted often experience struggles adapting to their new environments. These challenges can be even greater for international adoptions, where the child must adapt not only to a new family, but also to an ...

Ava: There’s life after loss

Boys Ranch a place of self-discovery for Ava “My birth mother promised to return for me one day,” said Ava, 17, recalling the Ukrainian orphanage where she spent her early life. “I was four or five, ...

Tom: Finding faith and a future

Tom minces no words when he talks about what a godsend Boys Ranch was for him and his four brothers when they arrived from El Paso in July 1964. “My dad had run off,” Tom said, ...

Lexus: A new lease on life

At Boys Ranch, Lexus gains a focus her life was lacking “I am busy,” said Lexus, 16. “They have something for me to do all of the time.” Having a set schedule to fill her time ...

Marcelo: Loving the family that chose him

Relationships are the foundation of a well-balanced life Since Marcelo arrived at Boys Ranch in 2016, he’s been surrounded by loving adults helping him daily to process 14 years of loss, fear and survival. Marcelo participates ...

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