Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Adrian: A future far different from his past

Hardship can be a springboard to a bright future “I always got there early, and I couldn’t wait to leave,” Adrian, 18, said with a chuckle. He’s talking about his first year at Boys Ranch, when ...

Live the Brand: Help your child process grief

Loss comes in many forms, and each person deals with the resulting grief in a different way. Here are some ways you can help a child in your life cope with a personal loss: COMMUNICATE: Whether ...

Worms play key role at community garden

The Community Garden at Boys Ranch is a place of solitude where young people find therapeutic interaction with animals, plants and nature. Children visit the area often, to love on a goat, hold a chicken, or ...

Retirement reception honors Cliff and Dona Goss

Wednesday, Jun. 26, was bittersweet for many at Boys Ranch as they gathered during a send-off reception for long-time house parents Cliff and Dona Goss. Since 2009, this couple has served as house parents, most of ...

Jordan: A friend’s referral helps him find a place of peace

There’s an old train of thought about preachers’ children, which implies they are the most devious of all. We’ve all probably heard it. For Jordan, 15, being a pastor’s son has not been easy. There still ...

Hand-made cane creates bond for resident, employee

Boys Ranch is a place of therapeutic healing and transformation for young people. It is also a supportive community where kindness is highly valued. Imagine then, how special Boys Ranch employee George Richards felt when Jonny, ...

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