Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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J.W. and Jabe: Two families, one home

At Boys Ranch, J.W. and Jabe discovered responsibility, purpose John Wesley, or J.W. for short, and Jabe do not know each other. Yet, for being strangers, their stories are intertwined with similarity. Both desperate for change in ...

Corey: Romersi was home

Corey remembers being one of the first girls on ranch Decades removed from childhood, Corene, or “Corey,” as she prefers, still gets emotional when she talks about growing up in the loving arms of Cal Farley’s. ...

2019 Boys Ranch Senior Feature: Connor

Connor’s two and a half years at Boys Ranch have taught him how to work through his emotions and look at certain circumstances in a new way. Connor said he’ll miss his house parents, coaches and ...

2019 Boys Ranch Senior Feature: Celeste

After two years at Boys Ranch, Celeste said the most important things she has learned are gratitude, the power of structure and how to manage her time wisely. Celeste is extremely grateful for her house parents ...

2019 Boys Ranch Senior Feature: Simon

After two years at Boys Ranch, Simon believes the most valuable lesson he learned was how to interact with different types of people. Simon thanks all his coaches for always motivating him to improve himself. One ...

2019 Boys Ranch Senior Feature: Jameson

After graduation, Jameson is returning home to San Diego, California. He says his two years at Boys Ranch has taught important life-lessons, particularly money management skills. As Jameson prepares for life after Boys Ranch, he has ...

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