Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Kaitlyn: Leading others through faith

Learning to love others — and herself “Boys Ranch has given me everything I need, and everything I want,” said Kaitlyn, 18. “I had a family, but I wasn’t close to them. I think God put ...

Chris: ‘Hearing’ helps with healing

“My hearing got well when I came here,” said Chris, referring to his arrival at Boys Ranch in July 2017. It’s just one of a few almost-comical observations this 15-year old makes about his eight months ...

Christopher: Two hearts, making amends

Boys Ranch youth finds a path to a healing relationship with mother Two hearts are starting to heal. “Her losing her husband and me losing my best friend, my mother, turned us into two people who ...

Brain Science: Understanding brain development

A child’s brain is a remarkable thing. In the first five years of a child’s life, his or her brain will experience greater development than it will the rest of its existence! For this reason, a ...

Staff spotlight: Michelle Maikoetter

A look at the men and women making a difference in children’s lives. Michelle MaikoetterTitle: Chief Program Officer Other positions held here: Assistant Administrator for Girls and Pre-Adolescents, Senior Vice-President of Residential Programs How long employed ...

Sara: Blooming where she is planted

Cal Farley’s serves a fertile ground for Sara’s growth At just 13, Sara is an old soul. You can see it in her eyes and on her face. In her young life, she’s experienced more chaos ...

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