Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Child brain-science facts

Sources: Scholastic, Inc.;; Newport Academy

A community, living in faith

There are many attributes that make Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch unique among our industry peers. Two of the most notable are our focus on neurological development and our commitment to maintaining a Christ-centered environment. Did you ...

Keith: Choosing to own his behavior

“Neurofeedback really helped me with my anger,” says Keith, adding, “I’ve learned to meditate on my own, and that also helps me regulate.” A conversation with this 18-year-old unwinds like a roll of twine. Now beginning ...

Tipton and Green honored by colleagues as they leave Boys Ranch

This last week Boys Ranch bid adieu to two much-loved colleagues, Shanna Tipton and Dusty Green. Both individuals were honored with going away gatherings within a few days of each other. Tipton leaves the ranch after ...

Home’s ‘Cowboy Christmas’ ride gives boys solace, strength

A trail of dust emerged from the hooves of 12 horses making their way across the dry Texas prairie on a cool winter afternoon. These faithful steeds were carrying nine young men, a chaplain and a ...

Chapel Vine Youth group celebrates Christmas with Boys Ranch youth

Recently, our Iona interns held a special Christmas event during Vine Youth Group, a worship group for high school-aged boys and girls in our care. More than 50 kids showed up. Angela Harris, chapel immersion coordinator, ...

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