Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Samaritan Eagles pack 200 shoe boxes for children in need

Last weekend, the Samaritan Eagles packed 200 boxes of gifts for children around the world for the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Project! Chapel Immersion Coordinator, Angela Harris, said that the boxes will be prayed over this ...

Xcel Energy visits Boys Ranch Experiential Learning Program

It’s no surprise youth in our Experiential Learning Program have an exciting time learning how to put their skills and interests to practical use. Recently, Xcel Energy representative Wes Reeves visited the Boys Ranch Technology Lab ...

Jewel: Free to be family

When Jewel, 16, came to Boys Ranch, she needed a change. Her mother faced serious health issues, and her father struggled knowing how to be the dad Jewel needed. “I wasn’t a child at home,” Jewel ...

Youth leadership brings growth

Longtime supporters of Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch know our flagship campus is a Christ-centered environment where hurting young people can ask God those understandable ‘why’ questions without fear or shame. But, the faith experience at Boys ...

Cowboy icon and Cal Farley’s supporter, Roy Rogers offers tall boots to fill

Cowboys have a distinct image in American culture. They stand tall, are men of their word and walk with an unmistakable confidence. And, like the old adage about the clothes making the man, no small part ...

The 11-year-history of an unusual idea

It all began with an idea. Way back in 2007, the boys living in Rafter R Home wanted to go canoeing. Unfortunately for them, not only was it the middle of February, but a particularly cold ...

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