Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Armando: A family icon

Armando eyed the tanned-leather boots inside their glass case. The bright blue of the shaft stood out, even 29 years after their creation. When Armando came to Boys Ranch six years ago, he learned that a ...

Emily: A tradition worth celebrating

“I’ve really always enjoyed it,” Emily said. “I enjoy the people around me, the people who care for me and give their time to us.” Emily is in a unique position to offer such an opinion ...

Seth found himself in unfamiliar waters

Seth looked down the road in front of him. It seemed to stretch off into nowhere. I’m in the middle of nowhere — another city, another state, he thought. While the long drive to Cal Farley’s ...

Jacoby: Growing in his faith to change

Jacoby stood alone outside, looking up at the stars. As a horse whinnied in the distance, Jacoby leaned against the building’s chiseled rock facade. Inside the guest apartment, his mother was getting ready for bed. Soon ...

Sean: Running with purpose

Sean looked down the path in front of him, his eyes narrowing as he steeled himself in determination. This time, I’m going to do it! He leapt ahead, arms pumping as fast as his beating heart ...

Family comes first for Carter at Boys Ranch Rodeo

“Practice, practice, practice.” That’s how Carter, 10, summed up the key to overcoming his challenges in this year’s Boys Ranch Rodeo. In his second rodeo, Carter will be competing in the senior calves and junior roping ...

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