Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Alex remains focused on rodeo excellence

“ Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. You all mean so much to me. Even though I have never met you all, you all feel like family to me. This isn’t ...

Isaiah enjoys the Boys Ranch Rodeo spotlight

“Having thousands of people watching me will be a wonderful experience,” Isaiah, 13, said, excited about this year’s Boys Ranch Rodeo. Isaiah has performed in three prior rodeos, and enjoyed the support from the crowd as ...

Amaya gives her best effort, in rodeo and in life

Cal Farley’s understands every child needs to experience adventure, to feel the thrill of pushing his or her boundaries and the exhilaration of trying new things. Meeting this universal need is one of our core values. ...

Kadan: Helping others do their best the biggest ‘win’ for Kadan

“ Seeing how we all work together and not compete against each other, but with each other — that’s my favorite part. With five successful rodeos under his belt and the 2016 Senior All-Around Cowboy title, ...

Digital Arts group: From ideation to creation

“All kids need to have some experience and marketable skills when they leave Boys Ranch,” explained Rachael King, program and curriculum designer at Cal Farley’s. As instructor for the Digital Arts course within our Experiential Learning ...

Jake: Calming the tempest

The three brothers, ages 4, 6 and 7, crossed the street, bicycle in tow. Reaching the pizza shop, they stacked a series of blue plastic milk crates — first one, then another, then three high. As ...

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