Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Anna: No more chains

Anna, pronounced “Anya” in her native Russian, stood on her tip-toes to peer over the nurse’s station under which she’d been sleeping. The 2-year-old’s mother had succumbed to a prolonged illness just days before and, despite ...

Carter’s connection

“I would ask my mom, ‘Am I adopted? Am I adopted?’ I didn’t know if my dad or my mom was my real parent,” Carter remembers. Carter has never met his birth father. He has a ...

LaMonteé: For the best

It isn’t supposed to be like this! LaMonteé thought. The then-18-year-old was right. He’d grown up with his share of problems — his father had walked out, and his step-father was in and out of jail. ...

Video: A path to safety – learning to trust

Whatever it takes

Jamie, 18, looked down at the 45-foot drop directly in front of her. A wry grin crept across the corner of her mouth. I can do this! she thought. About 20 feet to her right, Director ...

Understanding ‘survival’ thinking

Think back to a moment in your life when you were terrified. Perhaps someone startled you, and the momentary scare wasn’t real. Or, on the other hand, maybe there was a threat. If so, you likely ...

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