Stories From
Our Boys & Girls

At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, children and their families have found the help they need to recover from past hurts. Learn more about the young people and their families who we’ve helped.

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Nato: ‘Like a warm hug’

He struggled against the ice-cold water, the current ripping away any progress he made. Trying to dog paddle his way to the rooftop, Nato’s head slipped under the water again and again. Sputtering for air, a ...

Amber: Carbon Acres

In the front room of a house in the suburbs of Chicago, a once-vibrant mother of three laid paralyzed on a hospital bed, a victim of the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis. Diagnosed when her daughter ...

Building relationships, building a tradition

Spring 2005. One senior was struggling to make it to graduation. She had already turned 18, and as the warm spring days stretched on, she was at times tempted to check herself out of placement and ...

Building Skills

Slide show: Hamilton Home boys take on ‘The Gauntlet’

What better way to enjoy Spring Break than an obstacle course? Inspired by the feats they saw on a popular reality TV show, the young men of Boys Ranch’s Hamilton Home approached our Adventure Department about ...

A model of caring

Regardless of someone’s age, gender, culture or background, there are some things each of us needs to reach the potential God has placed within us. Cal Farley’s has identified six such areas of need. We work ...

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